Publisher of Desert Herald Newspaper, Tukur Mamu has written to the Attorney General oI the Federation, demanding the retracting of his profiling and designated as a “Terrorist (TERRORIST FINANCIER)”.
This was contained in a letter dated March 25, 2024, written on his behalf by his lawyer, J.J. Usman (SAN), addressed to the Attorney General of the Federation, which, acknowledged copy was sighted by our correspondent.
According to the letter, a seven day ultimatum was handed down for the retraction of Tukur Mamu as a Terrorist Financier, to prevent litigation.
“We are Counsel to MR. TUKUR MOHAMMED MAMU (hereinafter referred to as Our Client) on whose firm and absolute instruction we relate with you on the above subject matter.
“Recall that Our Client was arraigned by the Federal Government of Nigeria, particularly before the Federal High Court, Abuja Division in CHARGE NO:
“In furtherance to this, it is remarkable to note that your office is currently prosecuting Our Client on allegations bothering on terrorism.
“Attached herewith is a certified true copy of the said Charge marked
as ANNEXURE “A” for ease of reference.
“It is lamentable to observe that on 19/03/2024: while the case against Our Client is still pending, the social media was saturated by a publication allegedly emanating from and authorized by your good office.
“However, the said publication was
specifically made by the “Nigerian Sanctions Committee” wherein Our Client was profiled and designated as a “Terrorist (TERRORIST FINANCIER)”.
“As at the time of this missive, no Court of competent jurisdiction in Nigeria have designated Our Client as such.
“Attached herewith is a copy of the publication downloaded from the online marked as ANNEXURE “B” for ease of reference.
“It is a common knowledge that the administration of criminal justice system in Nigeria, is not only antithetic to, but forbids media trial in whatever guise.
“We vehemently condemn the actions of the Nigerian Sanctions Committee same being a violation the rule of natural justice and prejudicial to Our Client who is undergoing trial, and whose trial is still pending in SUIT FHCIABJ/CR/96/2023.
“It is sardonic and very disheartening that this publication is coming from the Nigerian Sanctions Committee; which ordinarily should be fueling the front burner in championing the course for the sustenance of the Rule of Law in Nigeria. Albeit, the Nigerian Sanctions Committee lacks the statutory mandate to pronounce on, and to designate Mr. Tukur Mohammed Mamu as a Terrorist Financier; even when it is a notorious fact that Mr. Tukur Mohammed Mamu is undergoing trial. It is so, particularly that the court has not made any pronouncement detailing him to be
“It is our firm position that the action of the Nigerian Sanctions Committee is not just tantamount to the usurpation of the Court’s power provided under Section
6 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended); but is a mockery of the Nigerian judicial system.
“We have no doubt about the
deliberate ploy to soil the name and the hard earned reputation of Our Client in whose favour the constitutional right to the presumption of innocence inures.
“By the publication above referred, it becomes crystal clear that the Federal Government of Nigeria is the Complainant against Our Client; the prosecutor of our Client and now putting itself in a head on collusion with judicial power of the court by assuming adjudicatory position thereon. Adjuging Our Client as a Terrorist has eroded all the jurisprudential tenets of rules of natural justice.
“On the basis of the aforesaid, we demand in very clear and unequivocal terms,: the immediate Retraction of the said Publication within 7 days from the receipt of this letter dated this 25h March, 2024.
“Failure to comply with Our Client’s demand. we will have no hesitation in seeking redress in the Court of law for the ventilation of Our Client’s grievance”.
The letter, which was copied The Chief Executive Officer, Nigerian Financial Intelligent Unit, said.